This is our moonshot mission...
“From Kindergarten through 3rd grade, a child learns to read, and thereafter, they read to learn.” -Ray Oglethorpe
Chairman of The Learning Alliance Board
Our Mission
To transform our community’s future and become a model for the nation by creating a culture in which 90% of our children read on grade level by the end of third grade.
Our Vision
For our children to become literate, compassionate, creative citizens who will improve our world.
Our Core Values
We believe that every child is one caring adult away from achieving their potential and that every adult understands they can make an impact.
We believe every child deserves a world-class education regardless of their circumstances.
We believe “one size fits no one” and that authentic and meaningful instruction is the pathway that inspires a child’s intellectual curiosity while building knowledge and teaching them basic reading and writing skills.
We believe that schools can’t do it alone and that a community’s health and economic success requires parent, community and school investment in early education.
We believe that transformation is a process that develops a learning culture characterized by positive mindset, civility, and kindness. It requires leadership that believes and strives for continuous improvement and the ability to move from breakdowns to breakthroughs.
We’re dancing for joy that the Ballet Vero Beach dancers are sharing the art of storytelling through ballet during their Moonshot Community Connections Special classes at Vero Beach Elementary School, a Moonshot School.
We love our Moonshot Community Partners! #moonshotmoment
OUr History
The Moonshot School launched this fall at Vero Beach Elementary (VBE), one of our highest-needs schools. While VBE students are some of the most economically challenged students in our community, we know that if we can achieve 90% literacy there, we can achieve it anywhere.
The Learning Alliance’s 2022 Moonshot Moment Campaign, “Faces of Early Literacy: Today’s Readers are Tomorrow’s Leaders” features large black and white posters of Indian River County children in hopes of generating conversations about literacy. These giant posters are part of a temporary art exhibit inspired by the global “Inside Out” art project featured on a 2011 TED Talk.
In 2022 we rebranded and reimagined Kindergarten Readiness Collaborative as Moonshot Families Early Learning.
Moonshot the Puppet, along with a few friends, appeared in classrooms, living rooms and throughout the community to continue teaching students virtually as we journey though the COVID-19 pandemic.
On April 1, 2020, TLA acquired Kindergarten Readiness Collaborative (KRC), expanding our reach to 0-5 year olds.
Launched AIM Pathways PD
- Expanded MSA to 8 campuses
- Expanded 3GI to 12 campuses
- Added K-2 Coaches on 4 campuses
Launched Moonshot Monday's PLC
Added Third Grade Interventionists onto 5 campuses
CSAC awarded More Millage
UP Campaign Launched with SDIRC
MSI Summer Teacher Institute Launched
Team TLA launched the Moonshot Bookmobile to make literacy more accessible all around Indian River County. The Bookmobile gifts free books for all kids.
Moonshot Academy launched on school campuses
Conscious Discipline introduced at Indian River Academy
Since 2012, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading has recognized our Moonshot Moment movement as a Pacesetter and BrightSpot for our collaborative work toward the 90% literacy goal.
The Learning Alliance's Moonshot Goal of 90% literacy by the end of third grade was created.
Literacy Leaders / MCAN created
Fundations program is in 3 out of 13 schools
- Sonday introduced into schools
- Master Coach Training Initiated
- Moonshot Academy started at Gifford Youth Achievement Center (GYAC)