Our Programs

Extended learning for students

The Learning Alliance’s programs deliver targeted intervention and academic enrichment during school, after school and in the summer. We are providing students in kindergarten through third grade with additional, well-structured time to close literacy gaps and catch up to their peers. In doing so, we are moving the needle in third grade literacy outcomes.

Extended Learning Programs:

  • Moonshot Academy offers literacy-based, immersive learning experiences after school and during the summer to more than 400 kids on 8 campuses
  • K-3 interventionists provide over 550 struggling students small-group instruction at every one of SDIRC’s 13 elementary schools
  • Literacy on the Lagoon provides hands-on, experiential learning in the field and in the classroom in partnership with the Environmental Learning Center during the summer for rising second graders
  • Tune into Reading improves reading fluency and comprehension on select campuses for 135 second and third grade struggling readers using a tablet-based program that provides additional practice.

Empowered families

Moonshot Families empower caregivers to be their child’s first, and, most important, teacher to help ensure all children arrive to kindergarten ready to learn. Moonshot Families Read, Talk, Play, Sing, and Create together to build early literacy skills.

Empowered Families Programs:

  • Moonshot Families’ Connection Specialists build trusted relationships with families in our underserved communities to ensure their children have the tools they need so they are ready for kindergarten
  • The Lullaby Project, a program of Carnegie Hall’s Music Institute (WMI), pairs new and expecting parents and caregivers with musical artists to write and sing personal lullabies for their babies, supporting maternal health, and childhood development, and strengthening the bond between parent and child.
  • Free books, Learning Kits, and Videos are provided so every home has the resources needed to build early literacy skills 
  • Moonshot Reading Captains raise awareness in their neighborhoods of the importance of early literacy.

Excellence in

National studies have shown that teacher quality is seen as the most important variable affecting student achievement, even more so than demographic factors. In fact, effective teaching can generate impact at four times the rate of ineffective teaching. Understanding this, The Learning Alliance celebrates educators and provides them with resources to ensure that the science of reading is taught effectively in every K-3 classroom.

Excellence in Teaching Programs:

  • Literacy Coaches provide embedded coaching to over 350 K-2 educators on every SDIRC elementary school campus
  • Professional Development during the school year and summer ensures K-3 educators and leaders have the knowledge and skills to support effective reading instruction in classrooms
  • Literacy Badges and Micro-Credentials ensure educators have the knowledge and skills to teach the science of reading effectively 
  • Moonshot Institute Professional Development provides best practice workshops and training for all educators. 

Engaged community and leadership

Achieving our Moonshot Goal requires buy-in from the entire community.  Indian River County government officials and community leaders have declared early literacy a top priority through their ongoing participation in our community programs.

Engaged Community Programs:

  • Moonshot Community Action Network (MCAN), a community leadership program with over 125 members committed to working together to achieve the Moonshot goal of 90% literacy by the end of third grade
  • Community awareness and action campaigns ensure the community holds the Moonshot Goal and annually onboards newly elected officials and civic leaders as Moonshot Leaders.
  • Moonshot Reading Rocket delivers engaging literacy experiences to families throughout Indian River County