Dear Friends of TLA,
Despite the challenges that COVID has presented, The Learning Alliance has continued working with schools and families to provide the resources and support needed to fight the learning loss that has occurred over the last year. In fact, we have increased this year’s budget by $600,000 to provide additional literacy programs and support for assisting students and families through this unfortunate pandemic. Here are just a few highlights from the year so far:
In the fall of 2020, we served:
Over 500 students
in our in-school and after-school extended learning opportunities.Over 80 K-2 teachers
are receiving intensive support from our Early Literacy Coaches. In December, KRC distributedOver 300 learning kits
and deliveredOver 1,600 books
Through our extended learning, coaching, and professional development, we are reaching over 3,000 students this year!Thanks to you, we have the ability to make great strides like these and more. Below, you will meet Carmen, one of many students whose life you have helped change!

Meet Carmen
In the fall of 2020, first grader Carmen came to Moonshot Academy with iReady scores in the first percentile. She didn’t know any letters or sounds at the start of the program, and lacked confidence.
At her winter benchmark, she gained 72 points on her scale score and moved up to the 13th percentile.
Now, during the second session of Moonshot Academy, she is demonstrating even more incredible growth. She is actively participating, forming letters and crafting sentences, and using a broader range of vocabulary. Her Moonshot Academy coordinator, Debbie Irish, is confident that with the additional support provided by The Learning Alliance, Carmen’s scores will increase even more by the end of this school year!
At her winter benchmark, she gained 72 points on her scale score and moved up to the 13th percentile.
Now, during the second session of Moonshot Academy, she is demonstrating even more incredible growth. She is actively participating, forming letters and crafting sentences, and using a broader range of vocabulary. Her Moonshot Academy coordinator, Debbie Irish, is confident that with the additional support provided by The Learning Alliance, Carmen’s scores will increase even more by the end of this school year!
Donate today to help us transform lives through literacy!